Saturday, May 8, 2010

Obama "the wasted years" Photo ops & BS

Fears that Europe's sovereign debt crisis will spiral out of control sparked a panic on Wall Street as the markets posted their steepest losses in more than a year and the Dow suffered its worst-ever intraday loss of 998 points, a selloff that may have been exacerbated by human error on trading desks.

President Obama: approximately 4 days ago I wrote you had 3 days to correct paying me money owed by the United States or the stock market would drop worse than the 777 points I prophesied and fulfilled in 2008.

3 days this happened there was a shocking plunge of 900 points on the Dow Jones .

The DJ dipped below 10000 ...
points which helped create the biggest drop since 777 point drop prophesied by Enoch rod of iron to George Bush and 10,000 saints of God. Setting the printing presses on high speed pushing money into the markets shutting everything down spreading propaganda curbed the loss but it did not matter.

It was a divine sign wasted on you but not on me. From this day forth you will have to look for what I write I am not wasting any more time with you. I will spend my time with other inter national leaders instead.

I believe God cares much less for you than he does for the anti-christ Bush. Although you will be Bush’s guard for 1000 years Bush will be prisoner Bush will be happier.

That is the way it is for most prisons ones who really serve hard time is guards prisoners would never choose to work in a place they have to serve time. Forced to do so they are still free on the inside the guards are not. You will wear a suit and tie Obama go to work every day your soul shrink an inch a day For 1000 years remember who you was know you could have been the most honored president in History except for the fact you did not believe in God.

Bush a thief, a liar, a fraud, and for the most part a fool had that over you he believed in God thought he had an inside track with panzer cardinal too bad he did not read the bible instead of use it To make campaign money grow. You just did not believe in anything Obama except how to run for office.

Thank You! Thank you for contacting the White House.President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history. That begins with taking comments and questions from you, the public, through our website.Our office receives tens of thousands of messages from Americans each day. We do our best to reply to as many as we can, but please be aware that you may find more information and answers to your questions online.

We encourage you to visit regularly to follow news and updates, and to learn more about President Obama's agenda for change.Thank you again for your message.The Office of Presidential Correspondence

president President Obama; May 2, 2010

It is with sadness to inform you about the death of 90% of America due to your ignorance and stupidity about spiritual matters. Preoccupied with childish toys as guns and bombs you have remained ignorant about the spiritual power a baby national state of Iran has created from just brief exposure to the Hidden Book of revelations.

Your lack of support will cost the American nation dearly. American system destroyed my body, the kangaroo courts allowed the destroyers to walk away after admitting they caused my walking death sentence. Left with only Prayer I found enough spiritual power to destroy a billion times economically what was robbed from me and I taught other nations how to do it.

April 4, 2002 When God took me to heaven and made me one with him we talked about how things would be done. George Bush looked as if he was Godly person with deep spiritual problems of honesty as most Americans.

I never realized how truly demonic the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH was until Christ told me to unleash spiritual warfare on it. George bush was transformed into the Anti Christ because he saw all the votes he could capture and establish a power base for him and corporate, government friends.


George prayed and thought he was on good terms with God until Christ had me educate him to the fact he was serving Lucifer not Christ hiding behind a Roman Army cutout of Christ was Lucifer calling the shots to maintain the status quo War without end with the United States as the top war lord of the planet earth.

When George Bush took office the price for the United States sins in judgment against mankind was ten million dead. After George Bush left office the price has risen to 270 million dead. Disobeying God every step of the way is exactly what Lucifer wanted.

Although the sins of America were great the true main reason America will be destroyed is they are a fear filled people. As most abusers they choose from childhood which to be Christ like (the prey) or the Roman abuser who crucified a man they just did not understand.

Christ has proven what I wrote by prophesy the only reason you are reading this is for a clue if I will repeat my 777 point drop on the stock market as I did 28 days before it happened. You should have read the work about how to stop it which you did not since the Government did the exact opposite of what they should and only after 18 months and a wasted trillion dollars are you beginning to do what I instructed.

I am dying the nation responsible for it is the United States and when I die God promised to make most of USA unfit for insects to live that is a bit more than a 777 point drop in the NYSE.

On the off chance you want to stop do what God told Bush, Hillary, and you. Iran will receive a blessing from God I suggest you stop picking a fight or find yourself surrounded cut off from the world with your army destroyed. Promise from God for failure to obey him. Thank You!

Thank you for contacting the White House.

President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history. That begins with taking comments and questions from you, the public, through our website.

We encourage you to visit regularly to follow news and updates, and to learn more about President Obama's agenda for change.

Thank you again for your message.

The Office of Presidential Correspondence


President Obama: Why do I openly insult you, your political party, your government your mistakes and foolish arrogant behavior?

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

You are in the same place in time that George Bush was when he changed into the anti Christ instead of becoming the greatest president America had in History. Christ has a plan to change the economy of the world into an economy of the next 1000 years.

You and the rest of the world leaders are 10,000 miles away from that plan. The journey begins with a single step. The money owed to the rod of iron will be used to develop Christ plan for planet earth. Your judgment about being warden to anti Christ Bush is set for 1000 years. You wanted to be president more than doing God’s will. A drunken Irishmen said it best

When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers..

God permitted you to scheme your way into the Whitehouse instead of being vice president to Hillary. Hillary was smart like most women dealing with alpha males she knew all she had to do was wait. Even your wife will laugh at the pure stupidity of your male ego. You could have been the greatest political leader in the 1000 year kingdom instead the last American president of a destroyed republic because to be the first African American president. Good lesson for all the men in history Ladies first.

The damage you done to date is worse than Bush due to the damage done to the rod of iron. 270 million Americans are slated for death because you refuse to believe your own bible. The rod of iron is not a political office it is a scriptural office. It is the same office as the Hidden Imam in Islam which took it from the Revelations of the last testament of the Lord Jesus Christ. I explained this fully in the almost hidden sura of the Quran or the Hidden Book of Revelations.

Christ will show mercy only if you stop trying to do things your way otherwise I die and 275 million Americans along with the rest of 1.1 billion Western Roman Empire dies as a exact consequence for killing his rod of iron by breaking your own laws to do it.

My battle with American Government started in 1989 when the Exxon Valdez hit a rock because the 3rd mate did not know he was auto pilot and rammed his ship into the major problem in the area. America is on auto pilot for destruction. Just as Alaska was covered in oil at the beginning of my battle New Orleans my other favorite home town will be covered in oil at the end of my battle with American Government.

Why should you do anything I say? God will make it so bad for you personally I will look real good compared to the people you deceived with a billion dollar political public relation scam.

forget about Islamic worry about the Baptist.

President Ahmadinejad called US government and its allies actions without legal basis and said Iran wants cooperation and dialogue, but it should be upon respect and justice and we do not accept any pressure and do not follow illegal decisions.


All of them waged silent war against Iran all of them allowed Israel to keep hundreds of nuclear weapons even though Israel was proactive in attacking other nations.

Oh Almighty God,the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate please, we beg you to send us our Guardian- who You have promised us- soon and appoint us as His In the Name close companions.

Dear Alpha Omega Prophet

We beg to inform you that your E mail dated 2008 05 26 was received.

we wish health and success for you from the Almighty

with regard The Islamic Republic of IRAN presidential site